Perception and Attitude of the Society Bangka Belitung Province Towards the Development of Halal Tourism

Wulpiah Wulpiah(1*), Reka Meilani(2),

(1) IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung
(2) IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung
(*) Corresponding Author


Tourism is a sector that plays a significant role in improving a country's economic development. There are desires the development of the tourism sector is expected to encourage efforts to improve the welfare of local communities through the provision of employment opportunities. Likewise, halal tourism has now begun to trend not only in Indonesia, but is one of the core products for various Muslim-majority countries. This research is urgently carried out, so that the people of Bangka Belitung Province have a moderate perception and in the future tourist destinations such as culinary tourism, natural tourism, educational tourism and religious tourism can become icons and if they have a "core" undoubtedly halal tourism destinations in this province can become a magnet, of course many local, national and international tourists visited. This pstudy using the PLS-SEM approach.This study highlight that the Perception of regarding Halal Tourism is categorized as good. The Attitude of the society of Bangka Belitung regarding Halal Tourism is categorized as good. The relationship between exogenous variables (Perception of Concepts and Attitudes) and endogenous (development) is significant. 


Perception, Attitude, Halal Tourism


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